Figure 2-2: Selected myoviruses. (a) Bacillus megaterium phage G, the largest myovirus known; note the spiral filament around the tail. (b) Giant unknown bacteriophage found in macerated debris of Bombyx mori ; note wavy tail fibers. Phage heads of this size are easily deformed. (c). Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus phage f1402, the smallest myovirus known (isolated by B.A. Fane, Department of Veterinary Science, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ). X 297,000; bar indicates 100 nm. Phosphotungstate (2%, pH 7.2) (a, b) and uranyl acetate (2%, pH 4.0) (c). (for better image quality, click here for tif image, which may be quite large; may also require screen refreshing plus special software to view; or view larger tif in separate window)

Figure 2-1, Figure 2-2 ( ab,  c ), Figure 2-3 ( abcde ), Figure 2-4 ( abcdef ), Figure 2-5 ( abcd )

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