Figure 21-6: Sequence comparison of mini-vRNAP, T7 RNAP and N4 RNAPII. Locations and sizes of conserved sequence blocks are schematized. Numbers indicate the known boundaries of structural domains in T7 RNAP (36) and inferred boundaries in N4 mini-vRNAP and N4 RNAPII. Numbering in N4 RNAPII reflects the positions of these blocks in the p7/p4 fusion polymerase sequence. Residue 270 corresponds to aa 1 of p4. Color coding is as follows: N-terminal domain (diagonally hatched); thumb (perpendicularly hatched); palm (black); palm insertion domain (white); fingers (gray); and foot module (pixels). The locations of polymerase motifs and catalytically important residues within them are indicated. (for better image quality, click here for tif image, which may be quite large; may also require screen refreshing plus special software to view; or view larger tif in separate window)

Figure 21-1, Figure 21-2, Figure 21-3, Figure 21-4, Figure 21-5

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