Figure 28-2: Map of N15 virion chromosome. The N15 linear virion chromosome is shown with a scale in kbp. Rectangles immediately above and below the scale represent predicted genes that are transcribed rightward and leftward, respectively; their colors indicate similarity to known genes in the following way: genes that have been found on lambdoid phages (gray); genes that have been found on plasmids and non-lambdoid phages (black); no database match (white). The N15 gene names are given within or near the rectangles and alternate descriptive names are indicated above or below. Strongly predicted promoters (arrows in direction of transcription) and transcription terminators (T) are also indicated. Asterisks (*) mark the position of the centromere sites involved in plasmid partition, and small filled circles mark putative CB repressor binding sites. The lines at the bottom indicate the minimal sequences that are known to drive linear and circular plasmid replication in E. coli.