Figure 28-5: Model of N15 plasmid prophage replication (pathway A) and two other principal strategies to replicate linear DNAs with covalently closed ends (pathways B and C). A1 - protelomerase cuts before completion of replication, resulting in an Y-like structure. A2 - replication is finished before protelomerase cutting, circular head-to-head dimer. telL, telR, left and right telomere ends of N15 prophage; telN, protelomerase gene; ori, replication initiation site. Dotted lines indicate newly synthesized strands. Arrowheads indicate positions of cuts. (for better image quality, click here for tif image, which may be quite large; may also require screen refreshing plus special software to view; or view larger tif in separate window)

Figure 28-1, Figure 28-2, Figure 28-3, Figure 28-4, Figure 28-5

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