Figure 41-2: Comparative genome maps of selected Lactobacillus phages. A. Alignments of the genetic maps from the temperate cos-site Streptococcus thermophilus phage Sfi21, L. casei phage A2 and Staphylococcus aureus phage PVL. The ORFs are color coded according to their predicted functions starting with the DNA packaging and head genes (green) at the left, followed by head-to-tail (brown), tail (dark blue), tail fiber (light blue), lysis (violet), candidate lysogenic conversion (black), lysogeny (red), DNA replication (orange) and transcriptional regulation genes (yellow). Unattributed genes appear as grey arrows. Genes sharing significant sequence identity at the protein level are linked by grey shading; the bold figures indicate degree of aa identity in %. B. Alignment of the late gene cluster from pac-site Siphoviridae from Bacillus subtilis phage SPP1, L. plantarum phage phig1e, L. delbrueckii phage LL-H, Listeria monocytogenes phage A118, L. johnsonii prophage Lj965, Streptococcus thermophilus phage Sfi11 and Lactococcus lactis phage TP901-1. Selected genes are color-coded: small subunit terminase (red), large subunit terminase (orange), portal (yellow), scaffold (green), major head (blue), major tail (violet), holin (mauve) and lysin gene (black). Genes sharing significant sequence identity at the protein level are linked by blue (neighbors) or grey shading; the percentages correspond to aa identity and E-value. (for better image quality, click here for tif image, which may be quite large; may also require screen refreshing plus special software to view; or view larger tif in separate window)Figure 41-1, Figure 41-2 ( a, b, ), Figure 41-3
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